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Do you take custom orders?Starting in 2025, I will no longer be accepting custom orders. Instead, I’ll be offering seasonal cookies through pre-sales on my website, along with occasional pop-up shops. While I no longer create custom birthday cookies, I do offer "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" cookie sets featuring 13 letter-shaped cookies to make your celebration special! Please join my email list so that you are notified of upcoming sales!
How much do you charge for cookies?My cookies start at $2 each, with pricing determined by several factors, including cookie size, the number of icing colors, design complexity, and packaging. Pre-sale offerings are thoughtfully grouped and packaged in various quantities to suit a range of budgets. Don’t miss out on the next pre-sale—subscribe to my mailing list by filling out the form today!
Can I freeze your cookies?Yes! My decorated sugar cookies can be frozen! I recommend placing them in freezer bags, in a single layer, and then in a tupperware container so they do not get crushed in your freezer. To thaw cookies, remove the container from the freezer (leave the top on) and let them sit out overnight. Remove cookies from the container and you're good to go!
Do you ship?No. Texas Food Cottage Law prohibits shipping; however, you can purchase cookies, pick them up, and ship them to whomever/wherever you would like! I just cannot be the one to ship the cookies.
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